Shaftesbury Snowdrop Mkt.
Once at the beginning of each year, the lovely people of Shaftesbury, Dorset gather in their high street to celebrate the famous Snowdrop Market.
Another tough morning for us preparing our delicious chicken skewers at The “John The Greek” headquarters. Loading the van now, pre-checks made pitta breads, vegetables, chicken, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Gas Grill (everything we need to make our delicious Signature Souvlaki)….On your marks-get set-Go.. A combination of icy roads and wind were slowing us down from Andover all the way to Shaftesbury…but we’re making good time. We have to be fashionably late to the market so that we can see the sun rising just as we pass the #Stonehenge monument (We call it the English version of the Acropolis).

More windy uphill roads, a bend here another bend there and we finally arrive at beautiful Shaftesbury silently snowing, with flakes as big as our noses and a half-frozen market manager with a cheshire cat smile. What a beautiful way to start the Snowdrop Market..
Check our Events Calendar for a market near you…#JTG